We ship on Monday and Tuesdays to ensure you will receive your delicious baked goods as fresh as possible.
Order by Tuesday, 10am MT to receive your order within the same week.
East Coast orders ship on Monday please be sure to have your order in by Sunday midnight.

Natural Allergy Relief


It’s that time of year–flowers are blooming, trees are returning to life, and allergens of every kind are pushing their way through the soil. Having seasonal allergies is the worst, and being reliant on store-brand drugs can be a serious hindrance. Some make you sleepy, some have other side effects, and most are pretty expensive. … Read more

Lemon for Cancer: Myth or Miracle?


If you’ve been on the Internet lately, you’ve probably heard rumors about lemons being used as a cancer preventative and even cure. As a human who lives on Earth and who will thus probably get cancer at some point, I was pretty interested in finding out more about this rumor. Can it really be true? … Read more

Aluminum Foil Burn Remedy

aluminum foil

Burns are the worst. They hurt when you get them, and they hurt for days or even weeks afterward. But did you know that there’s a surprising new remedy to treat burns quickly and make them fade faster? Aluminum Foil Burn Remedy Yep. Aluminum foil. This may seem counter-intuitive, but bear with me: I swear … Read more