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Aluminum Foil Burn Remedy

Burns are the worst. They hurt when you get them, and they hurt for days or even weeks afterward. But did you know that there’s a surprising new remedy to treat burns quickly and make them fade faster?

crumpled aluminum foil for burn remedy

Aluminum Foil Burn Remedy

Yep. Aluminum foil. This may seem counter-intuitive, but bear with me: I swear by this remedy after trying it once myself.

  1. First, you have to cool the burn. Run it under cold water, or if you happen to have cool aloe juice in your refrigerator, soak the burn in that. Make sure you give it about 10-20 minutes of cooling before you do any of the next steps.
  2. Next, dry the burn with a clean cloth or gauze. If the blister has already popped, make sure you apply an antibacterial topical to prevent infection.
  3. Now wrap the burn lightly in aluminum foil, shiny side facing out. Leave the wrap on for several hours, and if you can, leave it on overnight.
  4. When you take it off, you should hopefully notice a significant difference in the amount of pain you are experiencing from the burn. Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself!

So What’s The Deal With This Remedy?

Science seems to be unsure about why this works or whether it should be used, but hasn’t presented any dangers to trying this old wive’s method for treating burns. The general consensus is that the tinfoil is a conductor, and so it disperses the heat in your skin to the air without leaving the burn itself exposed, dampening the pain you would typically experience.

Aluminum Foil Burn Remedy

Remember, this is a folk remedy, so keep a few things in mind:

  1. Make sure you keep an eye on the burn before putting it away for a whole night. If you have a 2nd or 3rd degree burn, you should seek medical attention.
  2. We are not doctors! If you experience lasting pain, discoloration, or the signs of infection from trying this, please seek medical attention.

Hopefully this gives you another weapon in your arsenal to combat those daily aches, pains, and injuries that can really put a damper on day-to-day life. If you’ve tried this remedy, leave a comment with your experience!