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Order by Tuesday, 10am MT to receive your order within the same week.
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Plant a Garden – They’re Naturally Gluten-Free

Spring is here. We all start to come out of hibernation, smell the budding trees and early flowers. We get out of the house for long walks and watch as the world comes to life again.  It’s the perfect time for clearing out the clutter both in our bodies and in our homes and recommitting to those health and wellness goals we made back in January.

If one of your goals was to improve your eating habits, this is the perfect time to plant a garden to support your nutrition goals.  Fresh, whole foods that are grown in your own backyard will have a positive impact on your health and are perfect for helping you create a variety of savory gluten-free treats like my friend Alison’s Fresh Herb Vinaigrette (Naturally gluten-free, of course)

Whether you live in a 5th story apartment, a garden level townhouse, a cabin in the woods or a house with ample space for a garden, you can have the joy of growing your own food.  Even if all you can manage is a window box or a few pots of fresh herbs, I highly encourage you to test your green thumb this season.

    • Determine your planting zone. Depending on where you live, the last frost (after which point it is safe to plant in your area) will vary. Once you know your planting zone, you can figure out which plants will do well where you live and which ones might struggle.


    • Make a quick drawing of your garden space. It doesn’t have to be professional but it does help to have some idea of the size of your garden plot or the number and size (depth and diameter) of the containers you will be using.


    • Decide on the plants you want to use and make a list. This is also a good time to decide which plants will go where in your garden or containers. If you need some ideas of what to plant and how to lay out a garden peruse some gardening magazines and websites. Check out Pinterest for some great ideas!


    • Go to a local nursery or the Farmer’s Market to purchase seeds and/or plant starts. Ask for some advice on the supplies (soil, tools etc.) you will need, any “how to” questions you have and about plant care and proper harvesting.


Have fun planting, watching your garden grow and enjoying the fruits of your labor!

Feeling adventurous? Try this recipe for gluten-free fried squash blossoms!