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Order by Tuesday, 10am MT to receive your order within the same week.
East Coast orders ship on Monday please be sure to have your order in by Sunday midnight.

Spring Cleaning: Going Gluten-Free

We all know that the tradition of spring-cleaning typically refers the annual cleaning of a house from attic to basement. As the weather warms you will start to see all sorts of references to taking advantage of the early warm days in order to clear out the cobwebs, let the fresh air in and clean every nook and cranny of your house.

What about a spring-cleaning for the body? I’m not just talking about a new haircut or a new outfit, though I highly approve of both! I’m talking about an internal spring-cleaning.  As we come out of winter hibernation, if you’re not already gluten-free, I’d like to challenge everyone to give gluten-free a try.  See what it feels like to eliminate gluten from your diet.

There is no question that there is a spectrum of reactivity to gluten from the extreme of celiac disease, to gluten intolerance, to seemingly no reaction at all. Gluten sensitivity can be sneaky. Many folks have issues with gluten and don’t even know it. Most often we hear of gluten sensitivity presenting as some form of digestive reaction. The reality is that our bodies were never really intended to process gluten and the symptoms that indicate a problem with gluten can include fatigue, rashes, headaches and a whole host of intestinal issues.

This spring, why not include an internal gluten cleanse as part of your overall spring-cleaning. There are so many resources available for how to eliminate gluten from your diet.

Gluten is hidden in many foods including soy sauce, some spice blends and other surprising places so make sure to read labels.  I also suggest keeping a daily food log where you track what you eat and how you feel each day.

If you decide to take the challenge, please keep us posted. Leave comments here on the blog, post on our Facebook page or send us a Tweet.