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Rice Bran Oil, In. Canola Oil, Out. Making Gluten-Free Even Better

I am constantly searching for ways to improve our gluten-free baked goods and flour mixes at Outrageous Baking Company. My staff and I search for the highest quality ingredients so you can imagine my delight when I came across a non-genetically modified rice bran oil that works beautifully in our baked goods.

Rice Bran oil has long been used in both cosmetics and also in food preparation but when compared to canola oil, the health benefits made it the clear choice for making our gluten-free treats as healthy as possible.

Why the switch?

For starters, Rice Bran Oil is considered “The World’s Healthiest” edible oil. Not only does it have the highest smoke point (the temperature to which it can be heated without damaging the properties of the oil) of all the major food grade oils, but it contains vitamins, has the highest levels of natural antioxidants (by more than 1000 parts per million), it’s nutrient dense and free of trans fats. Best of all, we found a non-gmo source making it the perfect choice for our sweet breads.
The California Rice Bran Oil Company describes this unique oil as follows, “It’s not just delicate and flavorful, it can help lower cholesterol, fight diseases, enhance the immune system, fight free radicals and more. Rice Bran Oil is extremely light, versatile and delicious.”

There has been an on-going debate about both where Canola oil originated and also about the fact that most Canola oil has been genetically modified to reduce the natural toxin found in the plant form. (California Rice Bran Oil Company offers a more thorough comparison of Rice Bran versus Canola Oil) Rice bran oil has no toxins and has not been genetically modified.

In recent years the health benefits of rice bran oil both nutritionally and cosmetically have been widely publicized and after testing the oil in our gluten-free sweet breads, we decided to make the switch and we think it’s a delicious change.

What’s your favorite oil to cook or bake with?