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Meditation Basics

When we think of being healthy, we don’t always think of our bodies holistically–physical, emotional, and spiritual. While it may not work for everyone, meditation can help lower stress, improve mental health, and increase overall wellbeing. Even if you think it won’t be your cup of tea, it can’t hurt to give it a try! Here are some basics to help you get started.


  1. Get In The Right Space
    First, you need a literal space to meditate. You’ll want a soft cushion, chair, mat, patch of grass–something comfortable to sit on for an extended period of time. You also want to make sure you’re not going to be constantly distracted. Try to get away from noise and distractions, whether that means going out into the forest or just closing your bedroom door for a while. You also want to get in the right headspace: remember why you’re doing this and try to be consistent about it. Don’t worry about doing it right or getting something specific out of it.
  2. Keep in Touch with Your Body
    You want to keep your back straight to avoid slumping–not only because it can cloud your mind with negative thoughts and energy, but because it’s bad for your back. Don’t worry about what your hands are doing or if you’re folded lotus style like a monk. Do what feels right and natural. Breathe deeply, but don’t get hung up on trying to breathe in a certain way. This is about relaxing and unwinding!
  3. Let It Go
    You may be tempted to try to completely clear your mind of all thoughts, but let’s be real: that’s pretty hard to do. Instead, try to let your racing thoughts and busy mind float by. Don’t focus on any one thought, and when your mind starts to wander, try to focus back on your breathing.
  4. Take it Step by Step
    You won’t immediately be a champ, so don’t get disheartened. Start with a few minutes (10 to 15) a day, and increase as you get more comfortable and practiced at keeping your mind unfocused. Remember it’s always better to meditate for 5 minutes every day than an hour once a week. Adjust as you find what does and doesn’t work for you, and you’ll be on your way to a more productive, more focused, less stressed life!

Meditation Basics