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Review: Decadent Saint Sangria, Red vs. White

Review: Decadent Saint Sangria, Red vs. White

Disclaimer: I *love* Decadent Saint Sangria, so the short answer to this face-off is both! But I’m going to break both flavors down for you so you can make an educated decision when, after reading my insightful  review, you go and buy yourself a bottle immediately.

Decadent Saint Ultimate Mixers (which include these drinks as well as a few others) come as a concentrate and you can add water, sparkling water, or any other bubbly base to make a delightful drink to your desired specifications. 


The red sangria is just the right amount of sweet with a nice kick. It’s made from a red wine with fruits and spices, with a strong raspberry overtone and some subtler fruity notes of citrus, peach, and apricot. This drink is great chilled with sparkling water and some frozen fruit bits in it during the summer, but surprisingly is equally amazing mulled with some orange peel and cinnamon sticks for a delectable glühwein. While I enjoyed it both ways, I thought it was better taken warm and under a blanket. 



The white sangria is a bit sweeter, packed with citrus, mango, peach, and apricot goodness. This can also be served warm or cold, but I very much preferred it chilled and diluted with something bubbly. I loved both, but I preferred the white to the red. It’s so light and happy tasting, how could I not love it?

I took a poll of a variety of Facebook users to see what their consensus was, and it looks like I may be in the minority! Red was the definite winner among the populace. 

Whatever your preference, whatever the weather, there’s always a way to enjoy some sangria. Head over to Decadent Saint to find these and many other excellent drinks to tide you through the coming chill. Happy Fall, readers!