In our fast-paced modern society, we sometimes let me-time fall by the wayside. People underestimate the importance of self-care. When you’re taking care of yourself, it’s easier to take care of other people and other tasks!
You may think, ‘I’m too busy for self-care,’ or ‘I’ll get to it later.’ I understand where you’re coming from. So I made a list of 6 easy tips for little moments of mindfulness and self-care to help boost your spirit and ease your soul.
1. Go Forest Bathing

Forest bathing is exactly what it sounds like — going into nature and soaking it all in. I recommend doing this with as few other people around as possible. As a Coloradoan, I’m very close to nature almost all the time. I have so many natural parks I can access in just a few hours. You may not find yourself as close to the wild as I am, but there are plenty of ways to get out of your house, away from the urban and into the natural world. Sit by a pond and listen to the birds. Go for a walk in the greenbelt and feel the sun on your face. Take a hike and smell the scent of air unlaced with pollution. Humans are still animals, and taking a few moments to reconnect with our wild roots can rejuvenate a tired spirit like a cup of coffee wakes up a tired mind.
2. Get Moving

If it seems like exercise is the answer to everything, that’s because it kind of is. If you find that you’ve been stressed and overwhelmed, consider adding some kind of exercise regimen to your week. This can be anything — take your dog for a 20-minute walk, do an hour of yoga, climb a mountain, run a 5k. Whatever you can fit into your life and whatever feels right. Exercise releases endorphins into our bodies that make us feel good in both body and mind. It relieves stress and promotes overall health, so there’s really no downside to it.
3. Be Grateful

The day-to-day can get monotonous and frustrating. Trust me, I know. One way to divert the pent-up energy from a stressful period of time can be to redirect it into a positive act. Instead of grumbling about traffic, make a conscious effort to notice the architecture of the city around you. If your kids are driving you up the wall, take out a baby album or go put some money aside for their future college. It’s not intuitive at all, but the more you try this grateful mindfulness, the more it becomes a habit. I find keeping a gratitude journal and writing in it consistently — once a week, three times, once a day, whatever you can commit to — is a great way to get myself in a less stressed place and focus on the good things.
4. Snuggle Something or Someone

This may not work for everyone, but if your love language includes physical touch, this is a tried-and-true method. Cuddling releases endorphins and feel-good chemicals in our brains that go back evolutionarily to grooming and family bond rituals in apes. Good touch = safety is an equation hardwired into our DNA. Hugging a friend, petting a dog, coaxing a cat into your lap, or snuggling with a child or significant other is an incredible stress-reliever. You can even get a professional massage to treat yourself to some hard-earned me-time and reap the benefits of being touched by another human.
5. Do Something You Enjoy

In a world driven by the value of your labor, doing something just because you enjoy it and not because it’s productive is an act of self-love. It doesn’t matter what the activity is, but find a hobby you like to do and set aside time to do it! I especially recommend some kind of creative activity that allows you to express yourself in some way, away from a screen if possible. Join a club, take a class, find a way to get involved in that activity whatever it is. You might learn something new along the way!
6. Take a Break

Actually take time to do the things you enjoy doing. Read a good book, watch a television show you enjoy, take a hot bath with no to-do list. Everyone deserves a few minutes of solitude and freedom from responsibility. If you’re a parent, ask someone to watch the kids for a little while. If you work yourself into the ground, consider taking a sick day and recuperating. Mental and spiritual health are crucial to overall health, and we sometimes forget that.
Do you have any tips and tricks for self-care? What do you do when you need to recharge your batteries? Tell us in the comments!