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7 Reasons to Try Dairy-Free

Among the health fads and diet crazes, there are some more popular than others: one such diet is the dairy free. Why is this diet so popular? Is it really beneficial? What are the perks? Sit back and relax and I’ll teach you a thing or two about going dairy-free.

7 Reasons to Try Dairy Free

bone breaker for dairy free diet

  1. Bone Breaker

    The calcium in dairy isn’t the main thing helping you prevent brittle bones. Vitamin D—which we here in the US add to our milk—is what staves off weakening bones. For men, high calcium consumption is actually not recommended, and for women, vitamin D and calcium supplements are a much more efficient way to stay strong.
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  2. Cancer Causer

    The way the US prepares milk for consumption often involves growth hormones and chemicals that have been linked to increased risk for several types of cancer.
    acne attack for doing dairy free diet

  3. Acne Attack

    Dairy contains fats, sugars, and hormones that can cause embarrassing adult acne breakouts. Cutting down or cutting out dairy can have a significant impact on overall skin health. Skip the expensive cleansers and skip dairy instead!
    acne attack for going into dairy free diet

  4. Heart Hamperer

    The saturated fats and sugars in dairy, if consumed in large amounts, are significant contributors to heart problems like high cholesterol and heart disease.
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  5. Allergy Alleviation

    Do you feel bloated and heavy after consuming dairy? You’re not alone! Nearly 75% of the world’s population is lactose intolerant, meaning they lack the lactase to digest milk products. This will typically appear in adults, because once a child is weaned from breast feeding, their bodies no longer need to be able to digest milk and naturally lose their lactase. If you’re one of the majority who cannot digest lactose, going dairy-free can help alleviate the gastric distress that accompanies lactose intolerance.
    pain plunge for going into dairy free diet

  6. Pain Plunger

    If you suffer from chronic pain, migraines, rashes, or other issues that stubbornly persist despite doctor’s visits and medications, consider trying dairy-free. Many chronic pain patients have reported significant relief by this dietary change, and if nothing else has worked, what do you have to lose?
    earth for world warrior in doing dairy free diet

  7. World Warrior

    Vegans have the right idea about reducing their carbon footprint through the foods they consume. Dairy production has an enormous impact on water supply, air quality, and soil health, so cutting back or cutting off our consumption can help impact the environment in a positive way.  Keep in mind that every body is different and people will react differently to dairy based on ancestral heritage, genetics, and other health factors.